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Homeopathic Healing

Homeopathy provides “whole healing.” It addresses individuals’ physical symptoms, as well as their underlying emotional and mental state.

What Is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a profoundly effective way to heal from acute and chronic health conditions. It is also brilliant in assisting with end-of-life situations, hospice, and palliative care. With time and care, homeopathy can provide healing, comfort, well-being, mending, wholeness, or ease of passage for those who are going through health circumstances.

Gail Beauregard, Homeopath DIHom, CECP

Hello, and welcome to Inherent Health Homeopathy. I am a homeopath and Emotion Code Practitioner, based in Alpine, California. I treat people using a holistic approach to healing. 

Haelen Healing

“Haelen” is an olde English word for whole and holy.

Whole healing is what homeopathy provides. It addresses the physical symptoms, which are the body’s way of communicating that something is out of balance and needs attention. At the same time, homeopathy takes into consideration the emotional state and the state of mind. It is truly a holy approach to healing.

Client Testimonials

Homeopathy can provide healing, comfort, well-being, mending, wholeness and ease of passage. It is truly life-changing.  Please click on the side arrows and discover how helpful and effective this modality is.

“Since administering the remedy I have noticed my son’s steadily increasing ability to communicate clearly and to negotiate upsetting situations without falling into a rage. Friends have noticed his attitude shift as well. Not just my son’s life and self-confidence has been impacted but the quality of my life and my daughter’s life has increased as well.”

- Deb Ivanoff, Master Business Coach and Mediator (

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